Children’s Sunday School

Lessons are drawn from Bible Studies for Life and dovetail with the children’s church Gospel Project curriculum. The fall session includes three units: Choose Wisely, God Does Amazing Things, and In the Beginning.

Unit 1: Choose Wisely
Session 1: Joshua led the people
Session 2: Daniel obeyed God’s Law
Session 3: Jesus visited Mary and Martha
Session 4: The rich young ruler
Session 5: Paul taught Peter

Unit 2: God Does Amazing Things
Session 1: Moses and the burning bush
Session 2: Gideon and the Midianites
Session 3: Three men and a fiery furnace
Session 4: Elijah on Mount Carmel

Unit 3: In the Beginning
Session 1: Creation from nothing
Session 2: The Garden of Eden
Session 3: Sin and consequences
Session 4: Saved from the flood